Project ID185444
Project NameBB Test06
Max bids7
Bid Close Date04/08/2023
Bid Close Time (24-hr)15:00
Bid Instructions

Per Mile Please

Carrier NameBWE
Carrier DOT3106570
Start Date04/21/2023
End Date04/22/2023
Are the dates flexible?Neither are flexible
Are there any deadlines?None
What type of trucking?Local
Role for driver to fill?Contingency
Product HauledHousehold Goods
Work involvesOther
Start Address12512 Clendenning Drive, Tampa, FL - View in Google Maps
End Address3120 West Coachman Avenue, Tampa, FL - View in Google Maps
Booking Days2
Estimated # of Stops1
Estimated Hours10
Estimated Miles60
Relative DifficultyEasy
Project Overview

Local runs

Endorsements NeededPassenger
Driver TypeContract Driver
Driver ClassClass C
Total Estimate$275.00
Directions, Distance & Routes
Total Distance: 12.6 mi
Total Duration: 29 minutes
Show legs details
  • Leg 1
  • Origin ( Geocoder 113 )
  • 12512 Clendenning Dr, Tampa, FL 33618, USA
  • Destination ( Geocoder 119 )
  • 3120 W Coachman Ave, Tampa, FL 33611, USA
  • Distance
  • 12.6 mi
  • Duration
  • 29 mins
Existing Bids
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